Want To Build Muscle? It’s Not What You Eat, But When

Instead, he and colleagues in Toronto, Edmonton and elsewhere have developed an alternate method that involves tagging amino acids with a special carbon isotope tracer whose progress through the body can be precisely monitored. Their results suggest that current protein guidelines for healthy adults are underestimated by about 30 per cent. Since the new test is faster and less invasive than the old one, it can also be used to check requirements in vulnerable populations like children, pregnant women and older adults. In each of these examples, the new results suggest that current guidelines are too low, by as much as 70 per cent in the case of children between the ages of 6 and official website 10. In Canada, the vast majority of people easily consume enough protein during the day the problem is how its distributed. Whenever you eat protein, your body responds by firing up its anabolic (muscle-building) processes. The more protein you eat, the more muscle protein you synthesize up to a point. Research by McMaster Universitys Dr.
Full story: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/fitness/want-to-build-muscle-its-not-what-you-eat-but-when/article16069147/

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